
Customer Testimonials

The team at Gift Store Ltd strive to continually offer the very best in customer service. To ensure we achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction we have teamed up with Trustpilot who ensure we get honest and impartial reviews by actively encouraging all our customers to have their say. Below are just a few of the comments we have received from the thousands of satisfied customers that we serve all over the UK every year.

3361 - 3373 of 3,373 Testimonials


Trusted company

Exactly what you ask for you get. 5*

Mimi, 02/09/2016

Super Gift & Super Delivery

Overall a super service.

Sammy, 31/08/2016

Good service and designs

Ordered for an anniversary, some nice designs and all arrived on time.

Darren, 31/08/2016

Anniversary Wine Box

Great gift and expertly engraved and speedy delivery. A worthy 5 stars :)

Steve, 27/08/2016

birthday prezie

good service good product easy web site

Price, 26/08/2016

Great service

Purchased a personalised wine box. Giftstore.co.uk responded to emails promptly, delivered inside time parameters and item is of good quality and reasonable cost

Gary, 25/08/2016

very happy

Very happy with the product, my friend who i brought it for was happy with it also.

Joanne, 25/08/2016

Excellent Service will definitely use again!

Ordered engraved champagne flutes and box. I left the order until last minute. Gift arrived on time and was packaged well. Have no complaints at all.

Joanne - Manchester, 25/08/2016

Great Personalised Gift

I ordered a wine glass as a present for my mum. Gift was excellent and very well received. Delivery was quick and website was really easy to use.

Barbara, 10/04/2016

Excellent Service

It came quick, was well informed. would definitely buy from here again

Muktari Richards, 02/03/2016


No reservations, I would recommend this company to anyone.

Steve, 01/03/2016

Lush glasses

Lovely glasses the happy couple were thrilled with them my only negative comment is would have been nice in a box

Edwina Chamberlain, 01/03/2016

Personalised Gifts

Great ideas for an original gifts and reasonably priced.

Sophia, 19/11/2015

3361 - 3373 of 3,373
